Capitoli in libri internazionali
10. Grimaz S., De Toni A. F., Malisan P., Torres J., Aristei A., Maiolo A. (2024), Safety and Resilience for Navigating Towords Sustainable Development tn the Age of Complexity, in Research for Development - Knowledge Models and Dissemination for Sustainable Development, pp. 97-108, ISBN 978-3-031-58671-2.
9. De Toni A. F., Battistella C., Attanasio G., Chizzolini E. (2024), Port System Authority of the Eastern Adriatic Sea (Ports of Trieste and Monfalcone) - Government Use of Strategic Foresight, in Schreiber D. A., Berge Z. L. (eds.), Futures Thinking and Organizational Policy. Volume 2, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 255-287, EAN: 978-3031559563.
8. De Toni A. F., Nassimbeni G. (2016), A Model of Codesign Relationships: Definitions and Contingencies. A Review and Outlook, in Bartezzaghi E., Cagliano R., Caniato F., Ronchi S. (eds.), A Journey through Manufacturing and Supply Chain Strategy Research. A Tribute to Professor Gianluca Spina, Springer, pp. 113-137, ISBN: 978-3319311036.
7. De Toni A. F., Nonino F. (2013), Learning objectives and application contexts of business games in management education, in Baldissin N., Bettiol S., Magrin S., Nonino F. (eds.), Business game-based learning in management education, Lulu Press, ISBN: 978-1291322552.
6. Baldissin N., De Toni A. F. & Nonino F. (2013), What is a business game? Historical background and evolution of business games in serious games context, in Baldissin N., Bettiol S., Magrin S., Nonino F. (eds.), Business game-based learning in management education, Lulu Press, ISBN: 978-1291322552.
5. De Toni A. F., Comello L. (2013), Theory of complexity: guidelines for strategic management and supply chain management, in Harland C., Nassimbeni G., Schneller E. (eds.), The SAGE handbook of strategic supply chain management, SAGE Publications, pp. 305-328, ISBN: 978-1412924085.
4. De Toni A. F. (2012), The shared vision as a change engine, in Varanini F., Ginevri W. (eds.). Projects and Complexity, vol. 4, CRC Press/Balkema, Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 91-120, ISBN: 978-1466502796.
3. De Toni A. F., Filippini R., Forza C. & Vinelli A. (2001), Manufacturing in Italy: competing in a different way,in Schroeder R. G., Flynn B. B. (eds.), High Performance Manufacturing. Global Perspectives, pp 247-266, John Wiley & Sons, New York (USA), ISBN: 978-0471388142.
2. Sakakibara S., Flynn B. B., De Toni A. F. (2001), JIT manufacturing: development of infrastructure linkages, in Schroeder R. G., Flynn B. B. (eds.), High Performance Manufacturing. Global Perspectives, pp. 141-161, John Wiley & Sons, New York (USA), ISBN: 978-0471388142.
1. De Toni A. F., Nassimbeni G. (1997), The buyer-supplier exchange in the presence of design, logistic and quality interactions: results of an empirical research, in Capaldo G., Esposito E., lo Storto C. & Raffa M. (eds.), Supply Management, pp. 153-173, ESI, Naples (Italy) ISBN: 978-8881146758. (Pubblicato anche in Proceedings of the 6th International Annual IPSERA Conference: “Supply Management, Innovation and Economic Development”, International Purchasing and Supply Education & Research Association (IPSERA), Ischia (Italy), March 24-26, 1997, pp. T2/8-1-17.