How much is Jerusalem worth? Baliano asks Salah-al Din, while the latter returns to his troops, in the final scene of Ridley Scott's The Crusades. Salah-al Din stops, turns to Baliano and replies: Nothing. Then he starts walking towards his army and after a few moments he turns to Baliano adding with a smile: Everything.
Similarly, if a reader asked us: How much is knowledge worth? We would answer: Nothing ... Everything. Jerusalem is worth nothing first and therefore everything. It is worth nothing because its walls, its buildings, its houses are almost all destroyed and therefore its material value is almost nil. But everything is worth for its incomparable spiritual value. Similarly, the knowledge of an organization is worth nothing if it is not valued, it is all if it is used successfully.
In the book, after analyzing and comparing the main contributions of literature on the topic of knowledge management, knowledge is considered as an entity of a plural nature (conservative, multiplicative and generative) that can be incorporated in a dual vector (object and process), inspired by the attribution in the light of a dual nature (corpuscular and wave). The metaphor of the energy of knowledge is then introduced: potential energy (knowledge) is worth nothing if it is not transformed into kinetic energy (products and / or services), otherwise everything is worth. Using the Aristotelian concepts of being in power (the chick is a rooster in power) and of being in action (the rooster is a chick in action), it is concluded that knowledge is value in power, while value is knowledge in action.
Subsequently, a set of three operational tools is proposed - called the knowledge triangle - aimed at transforming knowledge: the strategy cube, the management cycle and the evaluation semaphores, respectively related to the three macro areas of strategy, knowledge management and evaluation. The proposed tools are therefore tested in three business cases respectively (Eurotech, Lago and Trelleborg Wheel Systems). The interactions between the proposed tools and the corporate strategy are explored in two other business cases (illycaffè and Sweet), while the relationships between knowledge management and social learning are dealt with in the Intesa Sanpaolo case.
Dedicated to people who generate value by implementing knowledge.
► Summary
► Foreword
► Presentation
► Prologue
► Introduction
► Afterword
► Epilogue
► Abstract
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