A volume that describes the results of a research carried out at 14 Italian schools of different order and degree which highlight how there is a positive correlation between the capabilities of school self-organization and the innovation of learning environments: in other words, the more self-organized the schools, the more innovative the learning environments become. The investigation required the construction of two frameworks: the first to measure the degree of innovation of the learning environments and the second to measure the capabilities of school self-organization. Self-organization is not synonymous with self-management: it only materializes in the presence of certain conditions, whose research and creation is the task of teachers and school managers who want to move from a classic role of planning and control to a new one of creation and monitoring the context.
It is necessary to focus on a school with many minds, that is, on the participation and assumption of responsibility by everyone in a logic of intra-entrepreneurship. We need distributed, inter-connected, self-motivated and self-activated intelligence.
Dedicated to school heroes, who have the courage to create new learning environments from below.