In many phenomena in the physical, biological and social world, organization is not imposed, it arises spontaneously from the local interactions of the constituent parts, thus becoming self-organization. Plants, animals, populations, markets, like there was a designer, but actually emerging from below. The authors move to become systems in a multi-disciplinary path full of surprises, to borrow ideas to be developed in the socio-organizational world and in particular in that of businesses. The final result is a new organizational model capable of absorbing the growing complexity of the competitive context, based on four principles: interconnection recalls the dynamics of social networks that exploit the small worlds effect, redundancy provides for a functional excess of resources. whose cost is more than compensated in the long term, sharing underlines the importance of a cultural system of common values, re-configuration requires constant adaptation to environmental variations and an uninterrupted search for new opportunities. The emergence from below is the most fascinating mystery in science. And, say the authors, it could be the most fascinating future for organizations, far from traditional hierarchical models, close to those who free their imagination and creativity to imagine and build an unpredictable tomorrow.
Dedicated to men and women who welcome the emergence of becoming.
Rassegna stampa
► Presentazione: Repubblica - 19/03/2011
► Presentazione: Nova - 12/05/2011