Benchmarking: the Search for Innovation Relay Centres' Effective Marketing Practices
Benchmarking, the act of systematically defining a business' best procedures, systems and practices, has become a useful tool for organisations whishing to continuously improve their products or services. By developing a tailor-made methodology and through the use of real case studies, "Benchmarking the Search for Innovation Relay Centres’ Effective Marketing Practices" shows how the Innovation Relay Centres (IRCs) are using benchmarking to drive performance improvements in the Network.
The book illustrates innovative and successful marketing practices internally developed by the Innovation Relay Centres. Understanding best practices and sharing experiences with other IRCs in Europe can be a cornerstone of how the IRC Network competes in the International Innovation and Technology Transfer scene. The book is targeted not only to IRCs but to a broader audience, namely, any organisation involved in the field of innovation and technology transfer since many useful lessons and operating insights on Technology & Innovation daily management work can be drawn.
The present book is the published version of deliverable 54A "Handbook of Benchmarking Implementation" delivered by IRC-IRE Central Unit, within the framework of the contract performed for the Call for Tenders No. 149659/EN, financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise C3, and is the result of the Benchmarking Exercise carried out within the Innovation Relay Centres Network throughout the period January 2001 - May 2003.
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► Prefazione - Towards learning regions