Technological change, especially in its radical dimension, offers great opportunities for economic growth and improvement of the quality of life. Innovation orients companies towards ambitious goals, induces the renewal of structures and is at the origin of new sectors of economic activity; it favors the renewal of products and services, and their markets, generates new methods of production, supply and distribution and determines changes in the startegic competences, in the management and organization of companies. In order to reap the benefits of technological progress, important changes are required within companies and in the network of institutions that governs markets and economic organization, particularly for information and communication technologies (ICT) and the application innovations they introduce (multimedia, internet-intranet, electronic commerce, electronic data interchange, tele-activity in general), which interact with organizational, economic and institutional change. The essays collected in this volume express a plurality of experiences and points of view on models, strategies, organizations and rules of the game consistent with the new paradigms.