An extraordinary story. A story of adventure, work, economic interests, commercial exchanges, human relations, artisan and industrial genius, which in a fascinating journey, from the humble coffee bean to the delicious drink, today involves about 25 million people scattered all over the world, in a turnover for years second only to oil. Born from research by the University of Udine and Trieste, carried out on the initiative of AREA Science Park, the book accurately analyzes the various phases of the supply chain of an industry organized on a few, large multinational companies in the roasting and retail distribution sector and on hundreds of thousands of small locally based production units.
Dedicated to coffee lovers, a unique experience to find yourself and others.
Autori: De Toni A. F., Tracogna A.
Edizione: 2005
Editore: Il Sole 24 Ore
Numero pagine: 424
ISBN: 9788883636619