The book deals with the theme of production management in manufacturing enterprises. The work is divided into three parts. The first explores the strategy and new production models. The second develops the main types of manufacturing production systems, describing their characteristics and operating models. The third is dedicated to production planning and control. The text is primarily aimed at students of university courses of an economic and managerial nature present in the study courses of the Schools of Engineering, Economics, Statistics, etc. The book also targets other categories of readers: post-graduate students and Masters in Business Administration, business executives and managers, management consultants in the field of Operations Management. There are several reasons that make reading this book interesting and profitable: the presence of various innovative contents and didactic devices aimed at promoting learning. The text - which presents numerous case studies - is accompanied by over three hundred figures and tables. Further information, developments of further topics and didactic support materials are available on the related website. Further information, developments of further topics and didactic support materials are available on the related website.
Dedicated to people who know how to interpret and manage change.