The opening of the university to the international dimension has taken on a fundamental strategic value, with increasingly tangible consequences. The reflection proposed in the volume therefore moves between the plane of theoretical analysis and that of the concrete proposal. On the analytical front, the state of the art is taken into account in the international debate, to then focus on the Italian scenario, which focuses on the innovations to the regulatory framework introduced by the MIUR and the ANVUR. Given the partially contrasted scenario that emerges, it seemed appropriate to also consider the actual valuation practices in use at the universities. The study, carried out through case studies, involved the universities of Bologna, Udine and Trento, as well as the Milan Polytechnic. Based on the results achieved, a concrete proposal is made in the volume, which is substantiated in the definition of a methodological framework and a unitary system of indicators for evaluation. The device, outlined so as to be able to provide useful support to both individual universities and to the national system of Higher Education, is evidence-based, inspired by the concept of comprehensive internationalization. The plant is set up on a double evaluation process, both internal and external. On the operational level, the text provides a tool of differentiated tools, useful for determining the state and evolution over time of universities, starting from a core of key factors for the development of a university with an international scope.