In the XXI century humanity has been faced with epochal challenges, including the serious damage done to Nature and the radical transition to an anthropological mutation" called the digital revolution. These challenges impose a drastic change in the way culture is perceived as a true source of progress. This must be understood as a "culture of complexity", based on a synthesis of humanistic and scientific approach and placed at the service of a planetary humanism that, in the perspective of solidarity and sustainability, allows us to understand that "we" precedes "I".
► Book review, by Mauro Ceruti - Il Sole 24 Ore, Domenica n. 50, 20/02/2022
► Book review, by Camariglia - Magozine 20/02/2022
► Book presentation, by Alberto F. De Toni - IlFriuli Business, Meta Management, 11/02/2022
► Review/interview with Prof. De Toni, by Roberto Liguori - Greenkiesta 19/01/2022
► Review/interview with Prof. De Toni, by Oscar D'Agostino - Messaggero Veneto 17/01/2022