In the new VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) and in the new Management 3.0, the ability to think in a systemic way becomes an essential priority, as well as the fact that companies become Learning Organizations 3.0.
More than 20 from the first definition of Learning Organization and systemic thinking, the authors, who first introduced this methodology in Italy, propose a new vision and provide a method of how, concretely, a company can be transformed into a Learning Organization 3.0 , in which the new skills of systemic thinking from the technical skills of a few experts become transversal skills within the company. The book is also full of cases, examples and exercises, which derive from the authors' experience in the field, to train themselves to become new systemic thinkers capable of successfully facing the challenges of the new era.



Authors: D'Amato V., Tosca E.
Edition: 2016
Editor: Franco Angeli Edizioni
Pages: 198
ISBN: 978-8891741783 


