Digital philosophy

The figure of the "digital revolution" is not simply in promoting great changes, but in opening up new conceptions of the world and of the human being. The intellectual and scientific challenge at the basis of this volume is, therefore, to investigate the implications of current digital technologies (telematic networks, platforms, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, virtual reality, etc.) adopting a critical and global perspective. This corresponds to overcoming a "technocentric" vision, which too often focuses on the potential of technologies while underestimating the cultural, social and political context, as well as the values and ideal models of individuals and communities with which innovations must necessarily be confronted. The contributions in this volume examine, with the typical tools of the humanities, the different ways in which human beings can relate to the digital, modifying themselves and the technologies in a web of dynamic and complex actions and feedbacks.



Authors: Taddio L., Giacomini G.
Edition: 2020
Pages: 346
ISBN: 978-8857567532




First pages