The university is changing with the society in which it is embedded. Today it must respond to increasingly complex and important tasks in order to train young people with broad, solid and flexible skills. It must respond to the challenges of society and the world of work, welcoming ever greater numbers of students to be able to contribute to raising the level of preparation of all citizens in the knowledge society. It must maintain high standards of educational outcomes to contribute to social development and the world of work. It must guarantee high-level research that is constantly evaluated internationally and integrate research into teaching, so that the university can be a source of cutting-edge training. It must guarantee the mobility of students for that mutual fertilization that international exchanges guarantee in their variety and richness. It must know how to bend to the needs of the territory in which it is inserted, maintaining the spirit of international development. All these difficult tasks facing the university today converge in its teaching activities, which require innovation in content, methods and tools to meet all these challenges. Teaching innovation is one of the most important challenges facing the university today and is carried out in multiple dimensions and in different ways. Several models are being studied to address it. The University of Udine has decided to focus on the commitment of its teachers, who are the protagonists of research for the improvement of its teaching. The identification of problems, the study of solutions and the proposal of actions, based on the research literature, validated at the level of the university and shared at the level of the course of studies, has produced that appropriation of the problem that leads to experimentation and its monitoring for an evaluation based on evidence emerging from the data. There has also been an important commitment in the collaboration with the secondary school. This volume collects the synthetic presentation of 86 projects carried out in the last 4 years for collaborative activities based on research with the school and didactic innovation in the university.