Guido Nassimbeni, PhD
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Curriculum Vitae

Guido Nassimbeni is Professor of Management Engineering (INGIND/35) at the University of Udine. Master degree in Management Engineering at the University of Udine, Ph.D. in Science of Industrial Innovation at the University of Padua; visiting Scholar at the Stern School of Business (NYU). He has been Dean of the Managerial Engineering Faculty (2008-2015) and President of Friuli Innovazione (2014-2016), the research and technology transfer centre in Udine.
Editorial responsibilities: Area Editor of Operations Management Research (2010-), member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (2007-). Formerly: Associate Editor of Journal of Operations Management (2007-2012), and others.
He is MBA professor at CUOA – Consorzio Universitario per gli studi di Organizzazione Aziendale (Vicenza). He has been invited lecturer in a variety of other institutions, including MIP – Polytechnic of Milano, ISPI – Institute for International Policy Studies (Milan), MIB School of Management (Trieste), Area Science Park (Trieste), Alma Laurea (Bologna), EurOMA and IPSERA Summer Schools.
His research has been funded by several national and international institutions, including the Italian Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research, the National Research Council, and the European Community. Currently he is the Scientific Coordinator of the European Reshoring Monitor project, entrusted by the European Union agency EUROFOUND to a consortium of four Italian Universities (University of Udine, University of Catania, University of L’Aquila, and University of Bologna). Among the past EU funded projects: “International Sourcing Strategies for China” (leader of the overall project, partners: National Centre for Science and Technology Evaluation, China; Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Germany); “Advanced Strategies and tools for Virtual Supply Chain Management in Asia environment” (leader of the local unit; partners: University of Valencia, Spain; University of Hong Kong, China); “International Operations Management” (leader of the local unit, partners: Polytechnic of Valencia, Spain; South China University of Technology, China; Xi’an Jiaotong University, China; Southwest Jiaotong University, China). He has leaded a number of applied research projects for leading companies, including Brovedani Group, UNIQA, Atel, Global Garden Products, Fincantieri, Illy, Danieli.
He is member of the Ph.D. Committee in “Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione” (Department of Electric, Mechanical and Managerial Engineering, University of Udine) and of several other commissions inside the University of Udine. He is member of the Scientific Commitee of ADACI – Associazione Italiana di Management degli Approvvigionament, and of the International Purchasing and Supply Education & Research Association. He has been member of the Directory Board of the AiIG – Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale (2001-2005) and Director of “START CUP”, the Business Plan Competition organized by the University of Udine and Fondazione CRUP together with other 18 Italian Universities.
His research interests are related to: new production models and advanced buyer-supplier interactions, subcontracting models with small firms, vendor rating/ranking, supply chain network management, international sourcing, social and environmental sustainability. On these topics he has published more than 150 scientific works, most of them on leading international journals, including Journal of Operations Management, Research Policy, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, OMEGA, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. He is reviewer for national and international journals and conferences, including Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, International Journal of Production Research.
He has conducted research with, consulted with, and provided executive training and research interventions for number of private and public institutions, including CUOA Impresa (Vi), Treviso Tecnologie, Enaip FVG, Science Park – Area di Ricerca (Ts), Consorzio Friuli Formazione (Ud), Agemont (Amaro-Ud), IAL Friuli Venezia Giulia, Associazione Industriali di Belluno, Ferrero Engineering, Safilo, Zanussi Electrolux.
He is a member of the Order of Experts in technological innovation established by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and has evaluated a number of innovation projects on behalf of several national and foreign public Administrations.
He cooperates with several International Research Institutions, including: University of Exeter Business School, CRISPS – Centre for Research in Strategic Purchasing and Supply (University of Bath), Carlson School of Management (Minnesota University); Cranfield School of Management (Cranfield University) Saïd Business School (University of Oxford), Rotman School of Management (Toronto University).